07.09.2020 by ctrl.alt.coop

Cooperative Accomplishments

Two projects will be released this month

September is an exciting month — we’re finishing two projects we’ve been working on for a while: a newspaper reading app and a real-time analytics dashboard. With this blog post we want to look back and report about our experiences. Both projects were commissioned and developed in cooperation with taz (die tageszeitung) .

the app

The new taz app is the digital version of the daily newspaper. The taz is in the process of presenting the contents to people in digital form from the printed paper edition. We are happy that we were able to help the taz implement their visions. Some of the details and challenges are described in our references . After about one year the app will be released on September 14, 2020! We enjoy using the new app and are curious what the many readers will say about it.

the realtime analysis

In the middle of the development of the app we had the chance to create another product for the taz. So other collectivistas were happy to join a project together with the taz. A dashboard was desired which visualizes the access to the articles of the website and thus facilitates the management of the taz web presence. Within three months of close cooperation we were able to provide the product. We hope that the taz website control team will be able to make its work much more efficient with it. In any case, we gained exciting insights during the development: the article “Attila kocht braune Soße” was really trending at the end of July.

the cooperation

The fact that the taz is a cooperative is also reflected in their and our cooperation. There is no “top” which determines howt exactly things have to look like. Decisions are not set in stone and co-determination is very much welcomed. Even in hectic situations, cooperation is more important than demarcation and blame. We greatly appreciate this climate and believe that such cooperation is not only more employee-friendly, but also more productive. We would be happy to have even more collaborations of this kind in the future, because what is most important to us:

To realize ideas together with nice left-wing people.